Private labeling


What is private labeling?

Sometimes you don’t want your end customers to see where you purchase the goods you sell, especially when a delivery ships directly from our local warehouse to your customer. If you as our valued Infinigate partner don’t want our logo to appear on the delivery note we can use your own logo instead. 
This is called Private Labeling!

Normally a delivery note with Infinigate logo would accompany the shipment. With our Private Labeling service your end customer receives the goods directly from us, BUT with a "YOUR" delivery note, i.e. including your company logo and address.

What do we need to implement the private labelling service for you?

1. your company logo - the size of the image should be 300 x 150 pixels/96 dpi.

2. 2 lines with 80 characters each can be freely defined. These lines will be printed in the lower part of the delivery note.

Here you can directly apply for the private labelling service. 
Please fill out the following form:

Supported files: Images

Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required.

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